Life is hectic. We all need a break. Here are 5 tips to relax.
Adjust your mind set. Easier said than done at times, but understanding that many of our stressors are what we put on ourselves will put you ahead of the game. If you are reactive, game over. If you take in the problem and know you have to figure out how to achieve your desired outcome, you're winning. Life is a puzzle; you just have to figure it out and treat it like the game of life that it is.
Sleep. An hour of sleep is worth so much, in terms of relaxation. Sleep heals us and provides us a rested mind so we are less reactive, and more contemplative.
Exercise. How many times do we say the stress has made us too tired to move? Yet, if you moved to burn off the stress, and focus on your breathing, that is exactly what you needed. I'm not saying to exercise if you are truly burnt out or sick; but challenge yourself a bit in why you don't want to move. Nap first, then workout. You can figure this out.
Laugh. Don't tell me you can laugh and not feel more relaxed - that would be a hard thing to do. Laughing is our way to lifted spirits, heightened good hormones, and just general well being.
Self Soothe. I'll be putting up a blog video on how to self soothe, but the point is that in the day of COVID we all miss that friendly hug and kiss. We all miss the touch of a friend or family member. So we need to learn how to give that to ourselves. Pretend to warm the palms of your hands quickly rubbing your palms together. Now take your hands and stroke downward from your forehead to your chin. Do that several times. Then cross your arms with your palms on your shoulders and stroke down your arms. Repeat again and again. Feeling more relaxed? Keep repeating that as you need.
